About the Principal

Michael has worked in the mining industry for over 30 years. His experience has spanned the minerals, coal and coal seam gas industries with positions in exploration and production roles, and more recently managerial positions. He has been involved in due diligence and evaluation work and his qualifications and experience meet the requirements of a Competent Person for reporting resources under the JORC Code. His PhD research led directly to the discovery of what is now the Mangoola Mine now being operated by Xstrata in the Hunter Valley, NSW.

My primary interest in geology has remained constant throughout my career – the unknown. I believe it is the role of the geologist to remain open to alternative ways of interpreting data and therefore maintaining an open mind when dealing with mining based problems and exploration results. In other words a geologist should be saying “…but on the other hand…..” if not openly at least in his/her mind.